BC Water Funders Collaborative Documents
March (2022) Collaborative Monitoring Initiative Annual Report
Feb (2022) Summary of Lunch & Learn: Collaborative Monitoring Initiative
(Sep 2020) Summary Brief BC COLLABORATIVE WATER MONITORING AND REPORTING INITIATIVE: Proposed Two-year Work Plan (summary provided by the BCWFC for informative purposes while full report is reviewed and approved by BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy).
(March 2019) Collaborative frameworks for watershed information management & knowledge governance, Dr. Gemma Dunn, a research paper prepared for the BC Water Funders Collaborative (unpublished)
(March 2019) BC Water Funders Workshop: Collaborative Water Monitoring Summary Report & Recommendations
(November 2018) Summary Report: Workshop on Regional & Local Collaborative Water Monitoring in British Columbia, an initiative of the BC Water Funders Collaborative
(June 2018) Water Monitoring in British Columbia: Scanning the Data Landscape Public Report, by Carol Luttmer, prepared for the BC Water Funders Collaborative
(December 2017) BC Water Funders Collaborative Roundtable on Water Monitoring, Summary Report
(2017 as revised) Inventory Scan Database of Water Monitoring Initiatives in BC, prepared by Carol Luttmer for BC Water Funders Collaborative (*Access to all documents relied upon or developed in the process of the inventory scan are available through Collaborative consultant Carol Luttmer (
Water Leaders Reports & Recommendations
(Feb 2019) Water Monitoring & Climate Change in the Upper Columbia Basin Guidance Information for Planning Monitoring Programs, Martin Carver
(Nov 2018) Proceedings: Elevating Community-based Water Monitoring in Canada, a report from the national CBM workshop, held in Ottawa on November 27-28th, 2018 (See additional material here.)
(July 2018) Community-Based Water Monitoring & Decision-Making (Living Lakes Canada)
(March 2018) Northeast BC Water Strategy – Water Knowledge Forum, a report from the two-day workshop on “Collaborative Water Research and Monitoring,” held in Fort St. John in March 2018 (held by Province MOECCS).
(2017) Carlson, T., Cohen, A., and Hartwig, K. (2017). “A Snapshot of Community Based Water Monitoring in Canada”
(Nov 2017) REFBC’s Murky Waters Report: Taking a Snapshot of Freshwater Sustainability
(Sept 2016) National Report, “Realizing the Potential of Community Based Monitoring in Assessing the Health of our Waters” (Sept 2016), Kat Hartwig & Liz Hendricks
Top 5 Water Challenges that will Define British Columbia’s Future, Oliver M. Brandes and Rosie Simms (September 2016)
Counting Every Drop: The Case for Water-Use Reporting in B.C. (2013)
Shared Decision Making in BC Project – “Backgrounder: Information Portals for Shared Decision-Making” (June 2014)
Decolonizing Water Governance project in partnership with UBC’s Karen Bakker and Glen Coulthard entitled, Sustainable Water Governance and Indigenous Law (Karen Bakker, Principal Investigator)
Regional & Provincial Initiatives
See (November 2018) Summary Report: Workshop on Regional & Local Collaborative Water Monitoring in British Columbia, an initiative of the BC Water Funders Collaborative
Columbia Basin Water Collaborative (formerly - Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework and Data Hub Initiative)
(Jan 2017) Water Monitoring and Climate Change in the Upper Columbia Basin: Summary of Current Status and Opportunities - 2017 Report by Columbia Basin Trust. Report highlights can be accessed here
(Dec 2016) Dr. Gilles Wendling presented on the Peace River Regional District Water Quality Baseline Project.
Yinka Dene ‘Uza’hné Guide to Surface Water Quality Standards, Version 4.1 (March 18, 2016)
Okanagan Basin Water Board, Monitoring Work; Okanagan Lake Collaborative Monitoring
BC Water Use Reporting Centre -Pilot: Okanagan Basin Water Board
BC Water Use Reporting Centre - Pilot: Regional District of Nanaimo
Mackenzie DataStream: an open-access platform for exploring and sharing water data in the Mackenzie River Basin
Pacific Salmon Foundation’s Skeena Salmon Program & data visualization program, the Pacific Salmon Explorer
Water Tools:
NorthEast Water Tool
OMenica Water Tool
NorthWest Water Tool
Water Portal
Webinar Recordings
(April 2018) Webinar Recording - Pooling Water Knowledge: Water Monitoring & Environmental Flow Needs in BC with presenters Carol Luttmer (Luttmer Consulting) & Nelson Jatel (Okanagan Basin Water Board) April 2018, [PASSWORD: bch2o]
(Jan 2018) Webinar - Regional Perspectives on Water Monitoring (Jan, 2018) A summary of the webinar's question period is available here
(Oct 2017) Webinar - Strengthening BC's Water Monitoring (October 2017) The archived webinar and workshop summary are available via the POLIS website here.
Anna Warwick Sears (Okanagan Basin Water Board) and Carolyn Dubois (Gordon Foundation) shared their recent efforts to improve the effectiveness of water monitoring and reporting in B.C. watersheds. Spatial on data visualization tools.
(Dec 2016) Webinar on Strengthening Water Monitoring and Reporting in BC (December 2016). Katrina Connors of PSF on Skeena Watershed Collaborative Partnerships and Ben Kerr of Foundry