Sustainable Funding and Watershed Governance
Admin Efficiencies & FNFC Pilot Summary (July 2021)
The Sustainable Funding task force is now part of Watersheds BC, a new capacity builder launched in early 2020. Watersheds BC works with local partners to identify and test diverse and sustainable funding mechanisms for watershed. See the most recent resources and publications:
Webinar Investing in Our Watersheds: Stimulus & Sustainable Funding for Water Security (May 2020).
Build BC Back Better: This article summarizes the presentations and dialogue from the webinar
Lessons Learned: The Sustainable Funding for Watershed Governance Initiative and Examining Local Government Sustainable Funding Mechanisms in B.C. – Case studies (December, 2019 by Zita Botelho and Tim Morris)
A Watershed Security Fund for British Columbia: Building Resilience and Advancing Reconciliation (November 2019).
Webinar Recording- Government Priorities & Implications for Watershed Governance with presenters Oliver Brandes (POLIS), Tim Morris & Alex Etchell (BC Freshwater Legacy Initiative) April 2018 [PASSWORD: bch2o]
Sustainable Funding for Watershed Governance Initiative: Backgrounder
Fraser Basin Council: Financial Mechanisms and Models for Collaborative Watershed Governance in BC Discussion Paper